We at Fone Haus, pledge to provide our customers with quality communication needs and at the same time practice a safe environment for everyone! Face masks and gloves are worn, and hand sanitizers are available before entering the shop and on our counters in all our shops. Social distance floor sticker signs are placed on the floors for customers to practice social distancing whilst shopping with us. Regular hand-washing posters are available to make awareness for our valued customers to practice not only at our shops but anywhere they go to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Apart from visiting our shop, if you probably liked our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/fonehaus/
You may have been updated on all our current promotions and new product arrival. Seen a phone or an accessory online or in an advertisement that you found interest in but still don’t have time to stand in a queue to purchase? Worry not as we also have our online “Click & Collect” option for customers who wish to do an online payment and collect at our shops anytime you want or are stationed in locations that do not have access to our shops, we can have your package sent to you wherever you are, and we will deliver!
We are currently located in Port Moresby, Lae, Mt Hagen, and Kokopo. We are soon to expand into other parts of the country in the near future. Fone Haus is here to serve you with your daily communication needs. You can contact us on 79998821 or email us at Email:info@fonehaus.com.pg, we will be more than happy to hear from you.
We thank you for your loyalty to our brand in this trying time, your satisfaction is our success!